This infographic takes research compiled from an article published in Poultry Science ® examining 63 different papers on Pekin duck welfare. The findings in this comprehensive research has provided some excellent tips for producers of these waterfowl. There is also more welfare...
Dos and Donts of Raising Pekin Ducks Infographic 2022.pdf
This infographic focuses on breast vessels and other visually unappealing problems appearing on breast meat (referred to as myopathies). #Infographic #Myopathies #WhiteStriping(WS) #WoodyBreast(WB) #SpaghettiMeat(SM) #BreastVessels #BreastMeat #MeatQuality #MeatScience
Science Behind the New Probelm in Visually Unappealing Chicken Breast.pdf
Organic poultry producers have started investing in antibiotic alternatives. How do the leading antibiotic alternatives work with regard to safeguarding bird health? The latest Lab to Farm infographic dives into three categories that benefit a bird’s immune system as well as aspects of their...
Antibiotic Alternatives at a Glance.pdf
Modern, efficient chicken farms usually raise breeds bred to produce either high-quality meat (broilers) or a high volume of high-quality eggs (layers). Over the years, birds have been bred with traits to make either broilers or layers as efficient and productive as possible. However, some birds...
Traditional Layers VS Dual-Purpose Layers.pdf
A study in Poultry Science ® compared the effects of replacing fish meal with defatted black soldier fly larvae in layer hen diets. This infographic breaks down the research and features the key takeaways with this up-and-coming trend in poultry diets. #Infographic ...
Infographic File - Larvae for Layers.pdf