This interpretive summary analyzes the first comprehensive literature review in 40 years to bring us up-to-date on the research and best practices to prevent floor egg laying. By highlighting the latest findings in genetics, nesting, rearing, production cycle, etc., this review suggests the best...
Floor Eggs- Moving Toward Zero.pdf
With previous outbreaks of HPAI in 2015 and 2022, quickly and efficiently depopulating flocks was crucial to preventing the spread. However, preferred methods (foam, containerizing gassing, and mechanical) are not always an option when quick action is required. This recent study from The...
Emergency depopulation with ventilation shutdown plus steam.pdf
The effects of a dustbathing environment on the health and immunity of laying hens are not well understood, so a group of researchers at Northeast Agricultural University in Harbin, China, conducted a study to investigate the effects of dustbathing environment on the intestinal health, gut...
Dustbathing environment may influence immune status of laying hens.pdf
A recent study published in The Journal of Applied Poultry Research sought to determine the best stocking density for free range layer flocks. Although there is no standard stocking density for free range layers, the researchers set out to identify if the common 1-1.5 square foot space per...
How best to stock a free-range flock.pdf
In an effort to better protect animal and human health, poultry scientists are taking a close look at moldy corn. In a recent study, published in Poultry Science ® , researchers measured bird performance and examined mycotoxin levels when laying hens were fed different amounts of moldy corn....
Toxins in moldy corn sicken birds and can pass into chicken eggs, meat.pdf
Modern, efficient chicken farms usually raise breeds bred to produce either high-quality meat (broilers) or a high volume of high-quality eggs (layers). Over the years, birds have been bred with traits to make either broilers or layers as efficient and productive as possible. However, some birds...
Traditional Layers VS Dual-Purpose Layers.pdf
A study in Poultry Science ® compared the effects of replacing fish meal with defatted black soldier fly larvae in layer hen diets. This infographic breaks down the research and features the key takeaways with this up-and-coming trend in poultry diets. #Infographic ...
Infographic File - Larvae for Layers.pdf
Many birds see light differently than humans, and there’s evidence that supplying red or blue light can influence hen growth and productivity. In a new study, poultry scientists share how red or blue light affects hen growth, egg production, egg quality, behavior and hormone concentration. ...
Red white or blue - The challenges of switching light wavelengths during egg production.pdf
Did you know that hens see light differently than humans? Their eyes are sensitive to bright UVA and UVB light. In a new study, poultry scientists show that this sensitivity has made hens pretty picky about where they spend their time. #InterpretiveSummary #PoultryScienceJournal #Laying ...
Raising hens Bring on the cloudy days.pdf
This article from The Journal of Applied Poultry Research focuses on how geese that have reached their second laying season, typically have larger egg yolks. The article further outlines suggestions on how producers can take steps to help boost yolk size as birds get older. ...
Declining estrogen may explain smaller yolk sizes in older geese.pdf