This infographic focuses on breast vessels and other visually unappealing problems appearing on breast meat (referred to as myopathies). #Infographic #Myopathies #WhiteStriping(WS) #WoodyBreast(WB) #SpaghettiMeat(SM) #BreastVessels #BreastMeat #MeatQuality #MeatScience
Science Behind the New Probelm in Visually Unappealing Chicken Breast.pdf
Researchers in Brazil conducted a study to determine whether there is an interaction between myopathy severity and long storage periods. The results showed that the fatty acid profile and nutritional properties of the meat may be affected. #InterpretiveSummary #PoultryScienceJournal ...
Wooden breast myopathy may affect chicken meat quality after frozen storage.pdf
By finding an alternative use for breast meat considered compromised, the industry could see a return value on meat with deep pectoral myopathy (DPM). Researchers in Brazil conducted a study to determine the influence DPM had on various parameters of fresh sausages. Learn what this study could...
Fresh chicken sausage may return value to breast meat affected by myopathies.pdf
Scientists in this study examined the effects branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) had on broiler growth and performance. The study results provide some interesting data on the occurrence of woody breast with supplemental BCAAs. #InterpretiveSummary ...
A practical way to address woody breast in broilers.pdf