A Student Member is any person who is duly registered or enrolled for a degree or diploma in a recognized college, university, or institution of higher education, and does not hold a doctorate degree. The person must be classified as a full-time student and be following a curriculum in, or closely related to, poultry science or an allied field.
All student members are automatically members of the PSA Student Hatchery and the USA Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA-USA) and have all the rights and privileges of Professional Members, except that Undergraduate Student members cannot vote or hold office. Student membership is FREE. Graduate students can maintain their PSA Graduate Student membership for up to 5 consecutive years, and undergraduate students can maintain their PSA Undergraduate membership for up to 4 consecutive years with annual renewals.
Student Membership includes Open Access (OA) to both the Poultry Science® journal and The Journal of Applied Poultry Research. Membership in PSA provides reduced registration rates to the Annual Meeting and participation in all PSA Hatchery activities and events. The same reduced OA charge for manuscripts published in both Poultry Science® and The Journal of Applied Poultry Research offered to Professional Members is also offered to Student Members.